Sabtu, Januari 30, 2010 | 11:56 PG | 15 comments
duhh kene tag agii. :P nie msti kes balas dendam sobsob. takpe layan kan je laaaaaaa.
1) Where is your cell phone?
✖ dalam bilik. malas nak kawan dea. grrr. :P
2) Relationship?
✖ eh eh tanya nape ? haha. :P in a realtionship. ngan spe ? my little cat laaa. HAHA
3) Your hair?
✖ eh eh boleh ke gitau huu. rmbut sy mcm cin chan miahahah.
4) Work?
✖ wakaka sgt sesuai nak tanya. :P jadi cikgu tau. winkwink.
5) Your sisters?
✖ haa npe ngan sister ? haha. adik & prmpuan. yep avaiable. so ? :P
6) Your favorite thing?
✖ buli my cat lalalala. :P
7) Your dream last night?
✖ haha. soalan yg besttt. smalam mmpi gi playground panjatpanjat. oke siryes.
8) Your favorite drink?
✖ air kosong & kosong. :) pagipagi minum susu KEHKEH. aww aww comel minum susu. supaya cepatt tinggi kata mama. :P
9) Your dream car?
✖ kereta yg kecik lagi comel. kancil pon oke. :)
10) Your shoes?
✖ apa lagi kasut skolah laa. wakaka.
11) Your fears?
✖ eh eh npe ngan fears ? :P yee sy penakut. eh eh btol kee ? T____T
12) What do you want to be in 10 years?
✖ soklan syeksii maa. 14 + 10 = 24. oiii masa yang sangat sesuai utk usna mendirikan rumahtangga haha. ;P
13) Who did you hang out with last weekend?
✖ family sajee. :) balek kmpung. weee
14) What are you not good at?
✖ not good at ? emm at math mgkin ? hikk tp siyes sukee Math. bolee dop gitu ?
15) One of your wish list items?
✖ sy nak dea teman sy sampai sy nak amek PMR. sobb tp dea hidup lama ke ?
16) Where you grew up?
✖ dari kecik johor jee. winkwink
17) Last thing you did?
✖ buat omwork dengan cepatt & excited kehkeh
18) What are you wearing?
✖ suar trek & baju adek. oke seyes xtipu. :) dea xsuke baju nie pakai je laa. :P
19) What aren’t you wearing?
✖ bedak & stu bnde pon xpakai kat muke. kehkeh
20) Your pet?
✖ lalala. mcm tak besa pulak miahahhah. :P
21) Your computer?
✖ yep, Acer brand. desktop jee hikk.
22) Your life?
✖ nape ngan life ? life is unique. :) besttt
23) Missing?
✖ takde benda yang hilang. usna pndai jagee. :P oke tipu padahal dlm kategori org yg cuai.
24) What are you thinking about right now?
✖ bilaa nak abes tag nie daaaa.
25) Your car?
✖ sobsob. basikal jee bhai.
26) Your kitchen?
✖ hoho. nape ngan kitchen ? kat kithcen tu kann ada toilet. & depan toilet tu laa bilik usna. huu kejamkejam. :P
27) Your favorite color?
✖ winkwink. two combined colour. :) plg penting ! brown. warna tanah. :)
28) Last time you laughed?
✖ haha. sejak akhir nie byk ketawa. :) semalam ngan family tgok movie Papadom. besttt.
29) Last time you cried?
✖ bila ehh ? mggu lepas wuwuwu
30) Love?
✖ in love with tetttt di situ ! KEHKEH .
31) So who wants to share their ONEs?? How about?
✖ wooo speaking ehh. meh sini > u go straight dont belokbelok ye ?
5 orang jejaka terpilih...:
✖ sendra ✖ fauzan ✖ fauziazizan ✖ spe lagi lalalala
5 dara terpilih....
✖ kak fateen ✖ kak farah ✖ nak amek amek tauuu wuwuw. xmao susahkan korang. hikk.
heii thanks eyt bagi tag. :) penat tapii best. fuhhh -
Label: tag